Monday 20 June 2011

The truth of RM 1.8 Million for Tourism Media, Malaysia

"The setup of Facebook Fanpage is free and not a cent is spent. DAP has completely twisted the truth and said the allocation was for the creation of the Facebook pages.

The success of digital campaigns require a team of qualified professionals as well as technical experts as this is not just about setting up Facebook pages. Our marketing and branding effort is different from the political Facebook Fanpage', explained Dr Ng Yen Yen as a Tourism Minister.

She even attached the media statement for Public as follows;

The digital platform is a very powerful persuasion media tool for marketing in today’s IT era.  National Tourism organizations and major multinational corporations are all focusing on digital campaigns eg. Australia Tourism Organization.
Tourism Malaysia is now embarking on digital marketing, promotions, advertising and branding through social media aimed at creating and developing six (6) tourism event campaigns as follows:
  • Citrawarna 1Malaysia
  • 1Malaysia Malaysia Mega Sale/Malaysia Year End Sale
  • Cuti-Cuti 1Malaysia
  • 1Malaysia Contemporary Art Tourism contest
  • 1Malaysia Green and Clean Campaign
  • Fabulous Food 1Malaysia
The RM1.8million budget is used for:

1.           Technical

1.1         Dedicated hardware deployment
1.2         Software licensing
1.3         Front end applications
1.4         Application Server engine

2.           Development of six (6) campaigns which requires:

2.1         Flash games engine
2.2         Flash programming & coding
2.3         Creative Development and Design
2.4         Campaigns Ideas and Concept
2.5         Front-end Flash Design
2.6         Testing and Debugging

3.           Campaign Promotions

3.1         Digital advertising campaigns on Google and Facebook
3.2         Contest, Page Wall and Tourism Fanpage Content Management
3.3         Collection and management of Database

The success of digital campaigns require a team of qualified professionals as well as technical experts as this is not just about setting up Facebook pages.  Our digital promotion, marketing and branding effort is entirely different from the political Facebook Fanpage that costs nothing to establish.

The setup of Facebook Fanpage is free and not a cent is spent. DAP has completely twisted the truth and said the allocation was for the creation of the Facebook pages. 

The success of a digital campaign is reflected in the number of fans joining the Fanpage. We have been very successful in the first campaign i.e the Citrawarna 2011 which has todate,  recorded  24, 736 fans, thereby providing Tourism Malaysia with 24, 736 potential tourists; all these gotten within four (4) weeks only.

This is just the beginning of our entire intensive digital campaign; the fan-base is still rising and looks set to achieve its KPI of minimum 120,000 fans by end of December 2011.

In comparison with the Penang Tourism Facebook which DAP said is for free (which is the truth) as this is because they did not execute any campaigns in the Fanpage.

Tourism is the fifth economic industry bringing to the country RM56billion last year and Malaysia is ranked 9th position of the most travelled to destination in the world by the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNTWO). 

Thus, all our marketing and promotional efforts must be professionally done and this include our digital campaigns as they are not merely about information but about persuasion, marketing and branding unlike the Ministry of Tourism Malaysia’s Facebook Fanpage which is meant to inform thus it is free.

We, in Tourism Malaysia will not allow ourselves to be sabotaged by leaders who choose to twist the truths and destroy Tourism Malaysia’s efforts in digital marketing promotions and branding.

Today, tourists’ behavior had changed to consuming information from social media and online channels.  Therefore, any organizations, including neighbouring National Tourism Organisations (NTO’s) have been quick to realize the potential of social media such as Facebook in their marketing strategies.  To cite a few, the Philippines Tourism Department has set aside 100 million pesos or RM7million in their 2011 budget, for their Facebook venture (source:

The Australia Tourism Board has allocated AUD150million over the next three years for their social media initiative (source: also reported that the Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) is boosting its online promotional activities in its efforts to maintain Thailand’s position as a leading tourist destination. The agency is to increase its budget for promotions via online channels to 40% (from 30% in 2010) of its total marketing budget. (source:

The beauty of digital platform is that information distributed is the most-up-to-date and very dynamic.  It allows us to be more flexible and to promote the nearest events.  Now, it is possible for even local tourism operators to feed tourism information in the social media world.

The Fanpage sets as its KPI and aims to achieve the following targets:
  1. An average of 20,000 fans per campaign
  2.  Minimum 120,000 fans by the end of December 2011
  3. To increase traffic and encourage domestic and international tourism
  4. To act as a promotional tool to disseminate information for Tourism Malaysia, Ministry of Tourism and Government.
  5. Tourism Malaysia and the Ministry of Tourism will be able to communicate directly with at least 120,000 fans (Malaysians and foreigners) by the end of the year through the Fanpage and Database compiled from the applications.

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